Marketing Strategy For Beading Crafts Products Using Social Media In Smp Negeri 2 Na Ix-X Sumberjo
The purpose of community service is to help knowledge and skills in making
handicrafts in the form of beads and also help earn income. Although still in a small
scope, the resulting product is already widely known by consumers. And so that
students have the knowledge and skills in using social media to train a creative and
independent business spirit. The location of this community service is at SMP
NEGERI 2 Sumberjo, sub-district. Na IX-X. The target in this PKM is class IX-1
students, totaling 27 students. The method used is observation, interviews and
counseling. The aims of this PKM are: 1) beaded bracelet accessories with various
colors that can make the bracelet very beautiful. 2) Improve the knowledge and
skills of SMP NEGERI 2 SUMBERJO students in creative and entrepreneurship
subject matter. 3) Students have an interest and desire to develop a business spirit
through social media and online applications. 4) can produce accessories that have
selling value and students have motivation by selling online, adding pocket money
and helping parents.
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