Application Of Wastewater Treatment Technology In Tofu Industry, Pekanbaru City


  • Ida Zahrina Universitas Riau
  • Elvi Yenie
  • Eriyati



Tofu industry produce wastewater with low pH and high pollutant parameters, such
as BOD, COD, TSS. Therefore, it is necessary to have a wastewater treatment plant
so as not to pollute the environment and cause health problems. The purpose of this
community service activity is the application of appropriate technology for
processing liquid waste in the tofu industry in Pekanbaru City with a combination of
equalization, filtration and phytoremediation processes. This service activity
includes several stages, namely counseling to provide understanding to partners
about the importance of treating waste, followed by building a liquid waste
treatment plant and the application of liquid waste treatment technology. The
sewage treatment plant consists of 3 concrete tanks that consisting of equalization,
filtration (using coral, porous plastic, jute, gravel, and sand as filter media) and
phytoremediation (using water hyacinth plants). This activity has a very positive
effect for the owners of tofu industry. The levels of BOD, COD and TSS decreased
significantly after the application of this wastewater treatment technology.


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How to Cite

Ida Zahrina, Elvi Yenie, & Eriyati. (2022). Application Of Wastewater Treatment Technology In Tofu Industry, Pekanbaru City. International Journal Of Community Service, 2(2), 223–229.


