Empowering Women Through Innovation In Processing Fishery By-Products Assisted By PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Makassar


  • Andi Ade Ula Saswini Nutrition Study Program, Tri Tunas National Institute of Technology and Health, Makassar 90235, Indonesia
  • Sandy Pramudikta PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Makassar, Makassar 90125, Indonesia
  • Muh Haris PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Makassar, Makassar 90125, Indonesia
  • Dwi Wijayanto PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Makassar, Makassar 90125, Indonesia
  • Rini Jusriani Nutrition Study Program, Tri Tunas National Institute of Technology and Health, Makassar 90235, Indonesia




The proliferation of businesses in the culinary sector and the increasing number of processed fishery products simultaneously increase the burden of organic waste resulting from community business activities in the Pattingalloang sub-district.  One of the efforts made is need to develop  Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs ) that are able to manage fishery by-products into products with high selling value and high nutrition. This activity was carried out in the Pattingalloang sub-district involving the Srikandi Group assisted by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Makassar. The method used was to provide product making training for women who are members of The Srikandi Group which was then carried out pre and post tests, apart from that, proximate testing was also carried out to ensure that The resulting products have good quality and nutritional content. The results of this activity were able to increase mothers' knowledge regarding the management of fishery by-products and produce fried meatball products from shrimp shells with a calcium content of 679.35 µg/g per 100 grams.


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How to Cite

Ade Ula Saswini, A. ., Pramudikta, S. ., Haris, M., Wijayanto, D. ., & Jusriani, R. (2024). Empowering Women Through Innovation In Processing Fishery By-Products Assisted By PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Makassar. International Journal Of Community Service, 4(3), 182–186. https://doi.org/10.51601/ijcs.v4i3.291


