Assistance In Financial Management Of Karampuang Island Tourism Towards International Tourism
This study aims to analyze and assist in the financial management of tourism on Karampuang Island with the hope of increasing the island's tourist appeal for foreign visitors. The methods used in this study are literature study and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Through literature study, data and information regarding best practices of financial management in the tourism sector were taken from various literature, journals and related documents. Furthermore, FGD was conducted by involving local stakeholders, including tourism attraction managers, local communities, and government officials. This activity aims to explore ideas, challenges, and solutions related to sustainable tourism financial management. The results of the FGD show that many tourism actors on Karampuang Island still experience difficulties in managing finances effectively. Therefore, training and assistance in budget management, financial recording, and marketing planning are needed. It is hoped that with this assistance, tourism actors can improve their managerial capacity and develop effective strategies to attract foreign tourists. These findings form the basis for formulating policy recommendations that support the development of sustainable tourism on Karampuang Island.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Lince Bulutoding, Nur Rahmah Sari, Rahman Ambo Masse, Hasbiullah Hasbiullah, Suhartono Suhartono, Raodahtul Jannah, Sumarlin Sumarlin, Namla Elfa Syariati, Marsanda Marsanda, Andi Reski Ananda Putri, Ashraf Reza Pahlevi, Muh. Adam Nursya Ban, Musdalifa Musdalifa

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