Community Empowerment Through Fish Farming Household Scale As An Effort To Increase Animal Protein Consumption


  • Ima Kusumanti Technology and Management of Applied Aquaculture Hatchery, School of Vocational Studies IPB University, Indonesia
  • Tin Herawati Department of Family and Consumer Science, Faculty of Human Ecology IPB University, Indonesia



budikdamber, fish farming, situgede village, family food security, land limited .


Family food security can be obtained from the environment closest to where we live, namely by using the right
method, one of which is through cultivating fish on limited land or better known as cultivating fish in buckets
(budikdamber). This simple cultivation technique is carried out with the concept of planting fish and plants in the
same container. So that the results from budikdamber can be the best alternative in meeting the needs of vegetable
protein and animal protein in Situgede Village, Bogor-West Java, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. In
addition to meeting protein needs, this activity aims to be an alternative to creating jobs, if done with a good
cropping pattern. So that fish and cultivated plants can be continuously obtained to meet consumer demand. As a
result of the activities carried out, the Budikdamber activity is very good for the community in Situgede Village to
continue to develop, because harvesting fish and vegetables can be done at once and repeatedly. This activity also
opens up new job opportunities for the community that can be applied to other yards around Situgede Village.


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How to Cite

Kusumanti, I., & Herawati, T. . (2023). Community Empowerment Through Fish Farming Household Scale As An Effort To Increase Animal Protein Consumption. International Journal Of Community Service, 3(2), 86–91.


