Digitalization In The Financial Statements: Study In Trini Karya Social Business


  • Awan Santosa Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Rina Dwiarti Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Audita Nuvriasari Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Eno Casmi Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Mohd Fadhil Harfiez Abdul Muttalib Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris



Trini Karya is one of the driving forces for the family economy in the Trini hamlet whose
existence must be supported by intellectuals so that its business continues to develop and
grow. Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta is one of the campuses that has contributed to
the development of Trini Karya through service programs. This service aims to be able to
help describe the problems that occur in the Trini Karya Business Unit, where one of the
problems that arise is problems in the field of financial reporting. In the Trini Karya
business unit, the problems are unstructured financial reporting, knowledge of financial
reports and the ability of Trini Karya members to perform digital financial reports. Based
on these problems, several things that can be a solution are to disseminate information
about making financial reports simpler so that Trini Karya members can easily understand
how to make financial reports. In addition, Trini Karya members or management are also
given socialization regarding the use of digital financial reports, the goal is to use digital
financial reports, which are expected to be able to make financial reports easier and more
structured. After that, members and administrators are given training on the practice of
making financial reports and making financial reports digitally using software that can be
accessed by members or administrators of Trini Karya. After that, assistance was provided
to the Trini Karya management in relation to digital financial reporting. The expected
output target of this program is, it is hoped that Trini Karya will be able to make digital
financial reports more accurately, structured and well-scheduled.


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How to Cite

Awan Santosa, Rina Dwiarti, Audita Nuvriasari, Eno Casmi, & Abdul Muttalib, M. F. H. . (2022). Digitalization In The Financial Statements: Study In Trini Karya Social Business. International Journal Of Community Service, 2(1), 22–28.

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